Admission Fee – Folklore Festival

The tickets are valid for the entire festival precinct and for all performances except for the admission to the Chateau.

Ticket variantPrice
Permanent ticket1000 CZK
Permanent ticket – reduced*800 CZK
Permanent ticket – CIOFF **800 CZK
Ticket sales at box offices at the entrance to the area: 
One-day tickets* - valid for the entire festival grounds and all events, including exhibitions and displays *500 CZK - Friday
700 CZK - Saturday
300 CZK - Sunday
Permanent ticket1200 CZK
Permanent ticket – reduced *1000 CZK
Permanent ticket for park access not valid for programs, exhibitions and displays400 CZK
Children under 15 proof of age requiredFree

* applies to persons aged 15-26 (upon presenting ISIC card or student ID), for holders of health disability cards ZP, ZTP, ZTP/P
** applies to members of CIOFF ensembles. Tickets will be available only in pre-sale.

The National Institute of Folk Culture (NÚLK) does not organize accommodation for visitors to the Festival.

@ Národní ústav lidové kultury, Strážnice
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